Saturday, November 29, 2008

We're getting close!

I can't believe it's December.

Where does the time go?

We're in the last month of the year!

There is still so much to do. I hope December slows down just enough so I can get all these projects completed by December 31st.

One year, I started addressing Christmas cards in late September. By October 31st, all my Christmas cards were addressed and ready to go. That was then. Now; well now, I'll be lucky if I get around to sending email Christmas cards.

It's not just work that has me so busy. It's family stuff that has me just as busy. We had a lot going on this year; we had our share of sad things, but we also had our celebratory moments as well.

I have often wondered why there is such a rush to get projects done before the year is over. One of my sisters once told me that whatever doesn't get done before the end of the year, that will be your burden throughout the next year. Thanks a lot sis!

Which is why she cleans her house, does all her laundry and completes every single project before the stroke of midnight on December 31st. My other sister performs a ritual of her own, which I find just as curious. She gets a bucket of water and tosses it out the front door at midnight on Dec. 31/Jan 1 to symbolize getting rid of the burdens of the old year......I often wondered where my sisters picked up these rituals because I had never done either one. Nor do I remember mom, grandma or great grandma discussing such things.

For myself, I'm lucky if I can stay up until midnight on December 31st. It's kinda funny, because in a previous life, I would stay up way past midnight, all the way to 3:00 A.M. Our family would host a huge New Year's Eve party and everybody we hadn't seen that year would come to this party. It so much fun and completely exhausting!

But we're getting way ahead of ourselves here. We're barely on December 1st!

My husband and I were at the Mall this weekend. My husband is a very laid back sort of fella. I kinda think the Mall was not a good place for him. Especially this weekend. He said, "is it my imagination, or is everyone moving at warped speed?." I laughed.

I've decided that no matter how busy I get, I will stop and take a breather and remember that Christmas is not about being busy; but a time to share, talk, and reflect.

I think the reason I'm so stressed is that I haven't met my goal. I'm going to try and keep it. It is the one goal I wrote down that I have stayed focused on since I made it.

For those of you who have been with me from the beginning, you know what that goal is. For those of you new to this blog, the goal is to have 80% of AAVBA members working by the end of the year. Well, the year isn't over yet. So I have time.

As for the rest of the stuff that needs attention, I've decided that I'm going to do one project at a time and not multi-task. I make myself and my husband crazy. He has no idea what multi-tasking is, he calls it "crazy time" and moves out of the way.

I'm looking forward to the Webinar we have scheduled this month. I hadn't planned on doing any Webinars until next year, but we had so much going on, there was no way it could wait until next year.

I'm looking forward to 2009. We have a Convention in May and September/October, the ABJA Conference, and the NNA Convention. I have a few speaking engagements, and of course, our Training Webinars, which I enjoy.

You'll have to sign up as a member of AAVBA to find out about our upcoming Webinars. There is much going on and you want to be part of it.

I don't know if I'll be back this month, so if I don't make it back here, have a Merry Christmas and a very healthy, prosperous, HAPPY NEW YEAR!



Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giving Thanks

I love Thanksgiving.

It's an opportunity to cook a turkey, side dishes and desserts.

My stove and oven don't get much of a workout during the Spring and Summer months because we grill and barbeque.

Ah, but when the cool weather approaches, I am the happiest person in the world. Well, maybe not in the world, but definitely the happiest.

My husband and I host an Open House Thanksgiving. We invite our neighbors, friends and family to stop by and have a drink and something to eat on their way to their own family gatherings.

It's become quite popular. Each year, more and more people show up.

There used to be a time my husband and I would drive from from our house in Gardena to Victorville to Costa Mesa on Thanksgiving. Mapquest it and see how many miles it is. I tell ya, we spent most of Thanksgiving on the road. Needless to say, we've gotten too old to make the long trip, so we came up with the Open House.

I have so much to be grateful for. Actually, I'm grateful for everyday. It wasn't too long ago that we weren't sure if I would make it another year. But, here we are, 5 years later and going strong.

This year is pretty special.

I have a great group of associates who have become very good friends.

I have an organization I'm proud of. And a membership that is the best around.

I work with attorneys who are the best in the land.

But best of all, I have my health.

When I was younger, much younger, grandmother would tell me, "you have everything if you have your health". This saying always puzzled me as a young person, because what I wanted at that time was a Cadillac.

Unfortunately, I would later find out exactly what she meant when she uttered those words. So; I'm going to say them now to you, "be grateful for your health, it is everything you need."

I hope this year will be a memorable one for you and your family.

With a grateful heart I say, Happy Thanksgiving!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

History was made on November 4, 2008

I'm glad to see that everyone went out and voted on November 4th.

What I can't understand and will never understand is why we don't have these numbers in all elections. Do people not understand that when you vote, your voice is heard?

Do people think, "I don't like the guy who is running, so I'm just going to stay home and not vote". Yeah, that'll fix 'em.

Let those who vote each and every time, whether they like the candidate or not, nominate the person they want in office. Meanwhile, those of us who do not like either candidate figure it's better not to vote anyone in office than to have a voice.

When I hear of how everyone is complaining of the economy, the war, and everything else that is wrong with this country, I think, well, it's our fault. We cannot blame anyone but ourselves. We vote the President into office. Or not.

I hope this election has taught everyone to vote each and every time. If you don't like either candidate that is running for office, choose one. Who knows, maybe you'll choose the candidate who will do some good.

But either way, don't blame the President or anyone else who is running our government. We choose them. And if you're response is, "don't blame me, I didn't choose him or her because I didn't vote". Really? Yes, you did. By not voting.

That is what is so great about our country. We have a voice. We can choose how we want our lives to be by voting. It is the great Equalizer. Yet, so many people do not see it this way.

I heard someone say that voting is the best non-violent way to have a revolution. I wish everyone would see it this way.

Young and old. Rich and poor. It makes no difference in the polling place. When you vote, you have a voice.

For myself, women should be the ones leading the revolution. After all, it hasn't even been 100 years since we got the vote. Yet, many women do not vote. Why? The fight to get the vote was a violent and long struggle. Many women died and suffered for our right to vote.

So I continue to say. Vote. Not just in the General Election. In all elections. Vote for your State Representatives, your City Council, your Neighborhood Watch Captain. Make it a habit. Something you do each and every time.

Then see what happens.
