Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 31, 2008

It's been quite a year.

I'm kinda sad to see this year end, and yet, the New Year looms just beyond the horizon. With "who knows what" waiting for us all.

I've already expressed my gratitude to those who made AAVBA a huge success this, our first year. I can't say enough about those who first joined, the first 25. What I call our "Founding Members". Without them to help get the ball rolling, none of this could have been possible. They are responsible for getting the word out to other VBA's and also to attorneys. Thank you once again everybody! I'm forever indebted to you.

To our newest members, I say "Welcome!". We know you will be happy to have joined the organization. There's still much work to do and we haven't yet completed all the goals we have for AAVBA.

I'm sorry to say we didn't meet our goal of 80% VBA's working by years end. We went as far as 50%. Which isn't bad considering that at the beginning of 2008, there were only 2% VBA's working.

To the attorneys who are currently utilizing the services of the VBA, thank you. You have paved the way for other attorneys to see the value in hiring an Independent Contractor. You know we're there to help you build your law firm, you have experienced how utilizing a VBA in unforeseen circumstances kept your firm running smoothly. You understand how the Internet kept you in touch with your VBA 24/7. We look forward to working with more attorneys in 2009. We also look forward to meeting more of you at the 2009 NACBA events.

To the new VBA's. Don't wait. Make things happen for you. If you need mentoring, seek it out. Make those phone calls, write those emails (although, I think when seeking assistance, a phone call is better than an email). AAVBA is an organization which is here to help you build your business without costing you an arm and a leg. Most of our seasoned members give their time. Remember to be considerate of this when seeking assistance. Make appointments with your fellow AAVBA members for some "learning" time. And keep those appointments. The VBA's who offer their time do it unselfishly, please do not take advantage of it.

Come prepared when seeking assistance. Ask your fellow AAVBA member what materials you will need prior to the session. If you do not know which of our members offer this service, now would be a good time to get to know your fellow AAVBA members. Don't be intimidated by calling on them. We have a really great group of professionals. If they have time, they will say so, if they don't, they will tell you that as well.

We built AAVBA to form relationships among our members. We feel that by helping each other, we build a stronger organization. Pay it Forward, that's what it's all about. By learning from each other, we build a unified organization with each member being an Independent business. It worked beautifully in 2008, we want to keep this model going strong in 2009. You need to do the work to make this happen. You need to step out of your comfort zone and reach out and talk to your fellow AAVBA members and get to know them. I know most, if not all, the members personally. I have talked or emailed each one. They are a great group of professionals.

So that's it folks. My last post of 2008. Next time I'll be back here, it will be 2009. Wow.

I want to wish you a Happy New Year. Wishing you abundant prosperity and good health throughout the year. Blessings to you and your families.

Thank you once again for your friendship. I cherish each and every one.

God Bless,

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