Monday, January 5, 2009

Featured Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant-KIMBERLY RUSSO, Erie, PA

Today, January 5, 2009 begins with our first Featured VBA, Kimberly Russo.

If you are a Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney considering the services of a Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant, read Kimberly's Biography. Kimberly's contact information is at the end of the bio.

If you are considering becoming a Virtual Bankruptcy Assistant and would like more information, please leave your request in the "Comment" section of this Blog, I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Professional Information:
I have been working as a paralegal mainly in the Bankruptcy field for the past 5 years, I initiated my training working directly for a Chapter 7 Panel Trustee for the Western District of Pennsylvania.

In conjunction with my day job, I am Virtual Bankruptcy Services, LLC. I currently assist 6 attorneys nationwide with their virtual bankruptcy needs.

My education includes receiving an ABA-approved Paralegal Certificate and Bachelors of Science in Elementary and Early Childhood Education from Gannon University.

My experience includes attendance at an Electronic Court Filing Seminar presented by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, creation of "BAPCPA (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005) Insights and Pitfalls" Seminar, attendance at multiple Chapter 13 Forums, attendance at Debtor Audits and Means Testing 2008 Seminar, creation of "How to Make the Chapter 7 Trustee Happy and Effectively Represent Your Clients" Seminar, ACCS Credit Counseling/Financial Management Seminar, Trustee Paralegal Training, Social Security Seminar, Mastery Certificate for Legal Research from Lexis-Nexis, attendance at a Real Estate Title Forms, Policies and Procedures Seminar and Accreditation for Virtual Bankruptcy Assistants.

Lastly, I have gained many years of valuable experience in many different areas of law including: Real Estate, Social Security, Estates and Personal Injury.

Personal Information:
In my spare time, I love to read fiction novels, listen to all different kinds of music and spend time as much time as I possibly can with my family. I have a beautiful family including my fiance Andre, and 6 birds (Junior, Indian Ringnecked Parakeet; Romeo, Meyer’s Parrot; Sweatpea, Albino Cockatiel; Buttercup; Dominant Yellowcheek Cockatiel; Squeaky, Great American White Parrotlet and the youngest Itty Bitty, Pearl Cockatiel)

Attorneys-You can read more about Kimberly's services at her website:


From there, you can contact her via her "Contact Us" page

Thank you Kimberly,

Best Wishes for a great 2009!

Vikki (aka Virginia)


Anonymous said...

Hello Vicki,
I am a member from your LinkedIn profile. I am looking to become a total virtual bankruptcy assistant. Email me and we can discuss things more:

Get Paid 2 Get Skinny said...

I am interested in learning more about this field. Any information you can share would be helpful. Thank you.

fabiana said...

hello, i am in the process of getting my certification from 713trainig and am a little worried because I have no background in the legal field. Will this be dificult to undertake as a business without the background?